Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentines Day!

This was a special one for me, as this time next year, my other half will be in Afghanistan...It was great, he got me a cute card & new boots, we got our son a drum filled with musical instruments & I got him his favorite chocolates & 3D Boxers (That really work!) & a new sweater. I cooked dinner, we ate as a family on watched Carebears with our son (first time & surprisingly Andrew loved it!?) Watched a romantic movie & I got to put the new pink ruffle butts to use ;)


My facebook is filled with pictures of Cards, candy, flowers, lovey status updates, ya know... But then there where women complaining about how much they HATE Valentines Day because their husband couldn't surprise them. They got no sweet gestures. No flowers. No candy. No card. But I just want so badly to write, "& what did you do to WOW him!?"

Why do women always leave everything on the men?? Don't you have to give to receive? I believe in that. & not just for Valentines Day.
The other day, I went out shopping, I drove my husbands truck, because of the weather here, he always likes to have a half a tank of gas. Well as I was at my last stop, I saw I was sitting just at the half way mark of how much gas is in the tank. Sure, I could have left it, it wouldn't have been a big deal... But instead, I filled it up for him & picked him up something to eat. Without him asking. I know soon, if I need a favor, I won't have to ask, he'll just do it on his own will.

People are so take, take, take. It's irritating. & there is no in between on the Hallmark holiday. You either love it or you don't.
A friends status at 5 a.m. this morning "I'm going to stay off here all day, I don't want to piss anyone off because I won't be receiving gifts from my husband & I don't want to see anyone elses stuff."
*Insert tire screeching noise here*

First off, it is 5 in the dang morning! If my husband even thought of bringing me flowers I would probably not be as appreciative as I should. Second, this didnt even surprise me... This particular woman associates her husbands love with material things.

(After a week of continuously complaining about pizza on her Facebook status) "Oh my husband finally bought me pizza, he must actually love me"
"My husband bought me the DVD set of 'Sons of Anarchy' he really does love me"

She ended up getting flowers delivered to her, two hours later at the bus stop as she was sending her children off to school, but it got me wondering "Did her husband get her those because she was already bitching? Had he already planned on buying them for her?"

I just wish more people would realize, relationships are a 2-way street. Yes, we all know the woman wants to be romanced & the movies are always depicting men to be a plethora of Romantic ideas... But our lives are not like fairytales, or movies. Romance your husband, surprise him, next time you are at the grocery store, buy him his favorite drink, or his favorite magazine or candy bar... If you share a car, maure sure the gas tank is full when it is up for his use, if you have separate, take his & fill it up. Bake his favorite cookies, or cake, or pie for no reason. If he dips or smokes, have a fresh can/fresh pack waiting for him somewhere that he will see it. Make the bed, light a candle at night before sex, I know a lot of men go to work super early, but get up once in awhile to make him a hot breakfast. Men can always eat. My husband is up & at 'em at 530, but I try to once a week get up & make him muffins or even heat him a breakfast sandwich.

The little things go a long way.
                                                    Goodnight & Happy Valentines Day -Mrs. Brooks


  1. you are EXACTLY right! i got really tired of hearing everyone complain about how much they hate valentine's day because they were lonely or didn't get what they wanted. ugh! so selfish.
    great post!

  2. Thank you! I was very irritated myself! Obviously, lol
